Our Kindergarten is run by a Committee of Management, this committee comprises volunteer parents and teachers.
The members volunteer at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) – it’s a great chance to get involved, get to know other parents and families, give back to your community and make an important difference to your children’s worlds.
Committee of Management – Position Descriptions
1. President* – Alisia Romanin
Responsible for administration & management of kindergarten
- Coordinates the work of the Committee
- Chairs Committee meetings
- president@jjmcmahon.org.au
2. Vice-President* – Leah Bramhill
- Coordinates licensing requirements, nominee changes, police checks
- Takes over role of President if he/she absent
- OH&S
- vicepresident@jjmcmahon.org.au
3. Secretary* – Hamish Jones
- Prepares agendas and minutes of all meetings
- Reviews correspondence received as necessary
- Drafts any necessary correspondence
- Organises AGM
- secretary@jjmcmahon.org.au
4. Treasurer* – Jacqui Dicintio
- Financial Controller of kindergarten
- Produces monthly reports for Committee
- Develops budget with President & monitors budget throughout year
- Responsible for meeting ATO & Department requirements
- Supported by office administrator who does invoicing, a/c payable & receivable, payroll & MYOB data entry
- treasurer@jjmcmahon.org.au
* These four positions will need a police check at the kinder’s expense and will be listed with the Department of Education as Licensee Representatives.
5. Staff Liaison – Vacant
- Communication point for staff & Committee
- Arranges relief teachers/assistants when required
- Staff birthdays
- Works with Director on staff performance appraisals
- staffliason@jjmcmahon.org.au
6. Enrolment Officer – Cecily O’Meara
- Liaises with external Enrolments Officer & staff to coordinate enrolments
- Coordinates Open Day
- enrolment@jjmcmahon.org.au
7. Social Coordinators – Diana Taranto and Jean-Pierre Biasol
- Responsible for coordination of social events for the kindergarten
- Coordinates any fundraising activities
- Reports to Committee on behalf of Social Sub-committee
- social@jjmcmahon.org.au
8. Working Bee – Nicholas Albon
- Sets dates for working bees & publicises dates
- Liaises with teachers & Committee to determine tasks
- Coordinates working bee
- workingbee@jjmcmahon.org.au
9. Grants Officer – Natalia Alvarez
- Coordinates applications for grants, extra funding
- grants@jjmcmahon.org.au
10. Newsletter Editor –
- Produce Centre-wide newsletter each term on behalf of staff and Committee
- communications@jjmcmahon.org.au
11. Website Coordinator/Tech Support – Ben Grech
- Review website regularly for any updates needed
- Assist staff with technology enquiries
- website@jjmcmahon.org.au
- tech@jjmcmahon.org.au
Other Positions
(Not required to attend Committee meetings but very welcome!)
Maintenance Officer – Nicholas Albon
- Assist staff to arrange any maintenance required outside of working bees
- maintenance@jjmcmahon.org.au
Purchasing Officer – Jerica Chai
- Buys kitchen and miscellaneous supplies required by staff
Class Representatives x 8 (2 from each group)
- Make up social sub-committee
- Organise coffee mornings or other informal gatherings each term for class group
- Assists Social Coordinator with kindergarten social/fund-raising events
- Do not have to attend Committee meetings but will meet as a sub-committee when required